Saturday, February 21, 2009

Histories of Stella Eveline Pearson Peterson and Charles John Peterson

Hello Family:

This is a new experience. I am attempting to post the histories of my Grandmother and Grandfather Stella Eveline and Charles John Peterson to the blogspot.

Don't have a clue what I am doing.

When and if it gets there, what do I do? Anything?

Anyway, if this works, they should then be available to those of you who don't havethem to catch a glimpse into the life of Stella and John Peterson.

These were typed by me several years ago before I had a scanner. They might, therefore, contain some typos or other errors. They also are in WordPerfect (.wpd)format. I hope that doesn't cause any of you a problem if you wish to downloadand use them. At some point I am going to try to convert them to .doc files.

Hope this works, and that many of the rest of you will share the histories that you have.

Thanks to all of you,

Arnie Butterfield

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