Saturday, April 11, 2009

Ellen and Lorentz family photos

So I'm trying to be better at sharing what I have on the blog. Being the mother of a young toddler (yes, he's definitely walking now!) I don't find as much time to blog as I had before. So I taking a few minutes and uploading these pictures of our forebears in whose honor we have this blog - Lorentz & Ellen.

These are from when I scanned Lon's pictures. This first one if of Lorentz & Ellen with Esther. This was a color copy of the original that I scanned, and I believe Arnie has the originals and has a better quality scan of them.

This IS from an original that I was able to scan. It was Milo's copy of the photo that is now in Lon's possession.

The Pearson family circa 1905 - West Jordan, Utah.
Left to Right
Back Row: Esther, Lilly, Clarence, Roy, Clara, Lennart
Front Row: Ken, Lorentz, Milo, Ellen, Stella

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